Monday, February 16, 2009

What about beer pong? - Reader Response

Dudes! Time for Beer Pong! Invades MTV

College Humor, which is a website devoted to humorous pictures and videos that happen in a college atmosphere. Over the course of time they have earned quite the reputation with the younger crowd and attracted audiences all around the country. The websites humor is being compiled into a new 30 minute television series on MTV. They used their existing staff as actors and did all the shooting in their actual office which to me is pretty cool to be able to use all original material. Around the office it is said that they like to play a lot rather than work but by playing they seem to get a lot of work done when it comes to creating and thinking of content. This is pretty cool how the website grew enough that MTV wanted to make a show on them. I am really trying to think of a website idea that no one has come up with so I can get big in some way. I think it would be cool if I created a site that became so popular MTV would want to make it a show.

Some of the producers said that they thought it would be hard to get normal people to become actors but things just happened to work out. There were definitely times when things got awkward or you would see an employee running from set to set going to check their email. It almost makes me want to make an episode of the day and a life I live going through college in my fraternity. There is definitely a side of Greek life that not everyone sees and it sucks how the stereotypes have built them to being just hardcore partiers.

Another thing I found interesting in the post was it said “Taping a short Web show takes two crew members; shooting an MTV episode takes about a dozen.” This is crazy I’m curious what everyone would have to do, I am thinking it’s just multiple cameras, lights, and then sound guys. I am going to be creating a new TV show next term for KBVR that will allow me to go out into the field more and I can see myself using quite a crew as I hope to make this a great production to show off in my portfolio.

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